

IP & IT-Lawyer

in Saarbrücken

Get in touch

Comprehensive Counseling For Your IT Business

Our law firm is located in the heart of Saarbrücken. From here we provide counseling for clients from all over Germany and beyond.

The client and the client’s business are always at the center of our focus. We provide counseling that’s expedient, transparent and knowledgeable.

Areas of Law

We provide legal counsel for the following specialty areas of intellectual property rights and IT law.

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About Renz Recht

Great individuality and availability are our declared goals. We provide our clients with expert legal counsel combined with technical expertise.

Learn more about Renz Recht

Warning letter due to a photo copyright infringement on eBay

“Perfect and fast counseling! Trustworthy and very helpful! I can highly recommend Ms. Renz! Most of all the expense and quality of work were very convincing! Again, thank you very much, Ms. Renz!”

Copyright and media law

“Very friendly contact with a relatively comprehensive first consultation. From here on, Ms. Renz pushed the case forward competently and expediently. Questions on my part were answered immediately.”

Counseling on warning letter

“We were provided with great legal counsel in a very friendly way. All in all very pleased!”

Top lawyer

“A genius in her area of expertise—nothing more to add to that!”

Copyright infringement

“Very friendly and competent lawyer. We were provided very good legal counsel in regards to a copyright violation. I can highly recommend Anne-Kathrin Renz!”

Drafting of legal texts for a commercial internet presence

“Ms. Renz is very competent and provided good counsel on terms and conditions and privacy rights.”

General counseling

“I have worked with Ms. Renz repeatedly. She always provided fast, competent and (most important to me) personal counseling. Therefore: well-deserved five stars!”

Call me or send me an email! Initial consultations are always free!